Recycling cardboard is easy. MCSWC appreciates the following steps be conducted to produce a good recycling product. Please stick to the basics every time you bring in your cardboard boxes.
- EVERY BOX needs to be BROKEN DOWN to ensure they are empty and there is no contaminant being introduced to our recycling. Flattening also assists with making room in the recycling container to reach maximum capacity before dumping to make a bale.
- REMOVE any material from the boxes including: plastic packing, paper packing, these can be recycled in the appropriate area. Styrofoam and Packing Peanuts are household trash – please throw them away they are not recycled at our facility.
- DO NOT RECYCLE CONTAMINATED BOXES that are wet, greasy, or dirty. For example, greasy cardboard pizza boxes are considered a contaminant and belong in household trash (tear off the top of the pizza box if it is not greasy and recycle that piece). Wet or contaminated items can jam sorting equipment and ruin good, clean material for future gümbet escort sale.